Thursday, October 8, 2009


When I woke up this morning, I don't know why there is something stick in my mind which is,


Till I'd checked the air ticket once I reached office this morning. I calculated how much should I save my money to go vacation, and I checked in the news paper how much should I budget.

Few places that always in my mind are:

Angkor Wat Cambodia. for me this place is unique and must go this place one day..

A more expensive country to travel, Australia..

A more beautiful place to go, New Zealand. I must be here in one day.

Another outstanding place in the world, Japan..

Other than the above places, aiming to go Europe too but to be in Europe is more expensive. Anyway, I have the target to get there and will work for it.

So now I have another new target to save my money for next year. I know I can..

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