Tuesday, August 4, 2009


We had done some crazy things, some people might know about it. Hehehe.. Sorry I can’t describe very detail how crazy was it here, because we'd just broke the rules. It’s just simple and creative bbq session but it has been done in a wrong place that is not supposed to be. However, it was fun & relaxing. Below are few photos of our bbq session last night.

Lamb chop, chicken wings, corn, eggplant, patato etc..

Henry was drunk. wakakak..

Thanks guys and I appreciate the unity of the group. I miss the spirit after we’d attended the seminar in Mesilau last year, seems like that kind of spirit in MKA Group is getting thinner and thinner, and there is lesser and lesser people joining any of the activities been organized. I just hope that kind of united spirit will come back to all of us. Cheers..

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